Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The recent course I was attending is now completed. Allhumdulliah it was of great benefit. I'll be writing up a summery in a later entry Insha'Allah.

Here's some links to texts which where referred to during the course for now.

Shaykh Sayf ibn Ali al-Asri's work on Tafweedh (Arabic):

Shaykh Abul Hasan's article on Allah's Kursi meaning His Knowledge, which hasn't been responded to in over 3 years (English):

Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Maliki al-Makki's work on benefitting the deceased in 2 parts (English):


  1. Sayf ibn Ali al-Asri’s book was reviewed over here

  2. I was in two minds, to approve or not approve the above comment. As it may cause debate, and This area is driving the ummah into further factions. But I feel someone tried to voice themselves so I should let them.
