'What the Islamic view point on X? '
Each time I make it clear that I'm no scholar but will explain the best I can according to my understanding. I also point out that more often then not the view point I'm explaining is line with my understanding of the teachings of Islam fro the sacred texts, and most Muslims have mixed culture into thier lives and label these practices as Islamic.
But I digress from what I originally set out to write about.
When acting upon a certain Sunnah, often the response is.
'that's strange... ' or
'that's weird... ' or
'that's odd... '
And every time I hear one of the above or a similar response in meaning I think of the Hadith mentioning Guraba (Strangers)
Inside I smile. May Allah The Most Merciful unite all the strangers. And give each pious stranger a pious strang wife to be strangers together. May they have blessed children to raise up as strangers also.